 |
Nama |
: Prof. Dr. Ir. Chusnul Arif, S.TP, M.Si |
Kelompok Keahlian |
: Teknik Sumber Daya Air |
Email |
: chusnul_arif@apps.ipb.ac.id |
Website |
: http://chusnul_arif.staff.ipb.ac.id/ |
Minat |
: Teknik Irigasi, pengendalian lingkungan, pemantauan lingkungan, emisi gas rumah kaca, water management |
Pendidikan : |
S1 |
Teknik Pertanian |
Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) |
Indonesia |
2003 |
S2 |
Ilmu Keteknikan Pertanian |
Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) |
Indonesia |
2008 |
S3 |
Global Agricultural Sciences |
The University of Tokyo |
Japan |
2013 |
Publikasi Artikel Ilmiah :
- Arif, C.; Wibisono, Y.; Nugroho, B.D.A.; Saputra, S.F.D.; Malik, A.; Setiawan, B.I.; Mizoguchi, M.; Ardiansyah, A. Functional Design of Pocket Fertigation under Specific Microclimate and Irrigation Rates: A Preliminary Study. Agronomy 2022, 12, 1362. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy12061362
- Arif, C., Saptomo, S. K., Setiawan, B. I., Taufik, M., Suwarno, W. B., & Mizoguchi, M. (2022). A Model of Evapotranspirative Irrigation to Manage the Various Water Levels in the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) and Its Effect on Crop and Water Productivities. Water, 14(2), 170.
- Saptomo, S. K., Askari, M., Arif, C., Suwarno, W. B., Setiawan, B. I., Tamura, K., & Matsuda, H. (2021). Experimental and numerical investigation of laboratory scale sheetpipe-typed automatic subsurface irrigation. Communications in Science and Technology, 6(2), 117-124.
- Chairunnisa, N., Arif, C., Perdinan, Wibowo, A. (2021). Analisis Analisis Neraca Air di Pulau Jawa-Bali sebagai Upaya Antisipasi Krisis Air. J-Sil (Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan), 6(2), 61-80.
- Adlan, Setiawan, B. I., Arif, C., & Saptomo, S. K. (2021). Evaluasi Metode Pendugaan Laju Evapotranspirasi Standar (ETo) Menggunakan Bahasa Pemograman Visual Basic Microsoft Excel di Kabupaten Nagan Raya Aceh. Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, 6(1), 35-48.
- Sugiarto, A., Setiawan, B. I., Arif, C., & Saptomo, S. K. (2021). Estimasi Dampak Urban Heat Island terhadap Laju Evapotranspirasi: Studi Kasus di Kota Palembang. Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, 6(1), 23-34.
- Arif, C., Setiawan, B.I., Saptomo, S.K., Matsuda, H., Tamura, K., Inoue, Y., Hikmah, Z.M., Nugroho, N., Agustiani, N. and Suwarno, W.B., 2021. Performances of Sheet-Pipe Typed Subsurface Drainage on Land and Water Productivity of Paddy Fields in Indonesia. Water, 13(1), p.48.
- Arif, C., Setiawan, B. I., & Sofiyuddin, H. A. (2020). Analisis Evapotranspirasi Potensial pada Berbagai Model Empiris dan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan dengan Data Cuaca Terbatas. Jurnal Irigasi, 15(2), 71-84.
- Nugroho, B. D. A., Arif, C., Hasana, N. A. I., Maftukhah, R., Suryandika, F., & Hapsari, U. (2020). Pengenalan Metode Tanam SRI (System Rice of Intensification) dengan Teknologi untuk Peningkatan Produktifitas dan Ramah Lingkungan. Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pengembangan Masyarakat, 3(2), 493-503.
- Ardiansyah, Arif, C., Hardanto, A., Mustofa, A. and Nishida, K., 2020. Performance of SRI rice growth on soil accustomed to conventional cultivation methods. Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal, 22(3), pp.11-18.
- Ayuningtyas, S. Q., Hidayati, S., Hartoyo, A. P. P., Hadi, A. A., Sayekti, A., Pratiwi, R., Sulistyono E, Arif C., & Andrianto, M. S. (2020). Program Dosen Mengabdi sebagai Upaya Pengembangan Potensi Desa Berbasis Pertanian di Desa Cihideung Udik, Kabupaten Bogor. Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat (PIM), 2(1), 70-79.
- Fausan, A., Setiawan, B. I., Arif, C., & Saptomo, S. K. (2020). Analisa Model Evaporasi dan Evapotranspirasi Menggunakan Pemodelan Matematika pada Visual Basic di Kabupaten Maros. J-Sil (Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan), 5(3), 179-196.
- Romadhonah, S., & Arif, C. (2020). Analisis Kualitas Air dan Removal Efficiency Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) di PT. Indonesia Power UPJP Priok Jakarata (Water Quality and Removal Efficiency Analysis of Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) in PT. Indonesia Power UPJP Priok). J-Sil (Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan), 5(2), 69-78.
- Nugraha MD, Arif C (2019). Pengembangan Model Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Untuk Menduga Fluks Gas N2O dari Lahan Sawah. J-Sil (Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan), 4(3), 233-242
- Nisha FN, Arif C. (2019). Pengembangan Model Denitrification Decomposition (DNDC) Untuk Pendugaan Emisi Gas Metana (CH4) Dari Lahan Padi Sawah. J-Sil (Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan), 4(1), 1-12
- Salatin A, Arif C, Rachmawati ND. (2019). Analisis Tingkat Risiko Paparan NOx Terhadap Pekerja Di Gardu Tol Akibat Volume Kendaraan di Pintu Tol Jagorawi, Bogor. J-Sil (Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan), 4(1), 49-58
- Arif, C. and Setiawan, B.I., 2019. Pendugaan Komponen Keseimbangan Air di Lahan Sawah dengan Linear Programming. Jurnal Irigasi, 14(2), pp.79-88.
- Arif, C., Setiawan, B.I., Saputra, S.F.D. and Mizoguchi, M., 2019. Analisis Neraca Air pada Pengelolaan Air dalam System of Rice Intensification-Organik (SRI-Organik) di Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Jurnal Irigasi, 14(1), pp.17-24.
- Ardiansyah, Setiawan, B.I., Arif, C. and Saptomo, S.K., 2019. Peningkatan Efisiensi Aplikasi Air pada Petakan Sawah dengan Penerapan Irigasi Evaporatif (Kajian Teoritis). Jurnal Irigasi, 14(1), pp.46-53
- Hasanah, N.A.I., Setiawan, B.I., Arif, C., Widodo, S. and Uphoff, N., 2019. Optimizing rice paddies’ lower greenhouse gas emissions and higher yield with SRI management under varying water table levels. Paddy and Water Environment, 17(3), pp.485-495
- Rudiyanto, Minasny, B., Shah, R.M., Che Soh, N., Arif, C. and Indra Setiawan, B., 2019. Automated Near-Real-Time Mapping and Monitoring of Rice Extent, Cropping Patterns, and Growth Stages in Southeast Asia Using Sentinel-1 Time Series on a Google Earth Engine Platform. Remote Sensing, 11(14), p.1666.
- Rahmat, A., Arif, C. and Chadirin, Y., 2018. Estimasi Gas Rumah Kaca pada Berbagai Macam Pengelolaan Air Menggunakan Model Denitrifikasi-Dekomposisi (DNDC). Jurnal Irigasi, 13(1):11-20
- Hasanah, N.A.I., Setiawan, B.I., Arif, C. and Widodo, S., 2017. Muka air optimum pada system of rice intensification (SRI). Jurnal Irigasi, 12(1), pp.55-64.
- Hasanah, N.A.I., Setiawan, B.I., Mizoguchi, M., Sands, G.R., Arif, C. and Widodo, S., 2017. Triangle graphs development for estimating methane and nitrous oxide gases emission from the System of Rice Intensification (SRI). Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 10(4), pp.206-214.
- Arif, C., Setiawan, B.I., Munarso, D.T., Nugraha, M.D., Sinarmata, P.W., Ardiansyah, A. and Mizoguchi, M., 2017. Potensi pemanasan global dari padi sawah system of rice intensification (SRI) dengan berbagai ketinggian muka air tanah. Jurnal Irigasi, 11(2), pp.81-90.
- Rudiyanto., B. Minasny, B.I. Setiawan, C. Arif, S. K. Saptomo, Y. Chadirin. 2016. Digital mapping for cost-effective and accurate prediction of the depth and carbon stocks in Indonesian peatlands. Geoderma 272: 20–31
- Ardiansyah, C. Arif, K. Wijaya., 2016. Nitrogen Uptake of SRI Paddy Field Compare to Conventional Field. Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences and Engineering) 78(1-2): 45-49
- Arif, C., K. Toriyama, B.D.Apri Nugroho., 2015. “Crop Coefficient And Water Productivity In Conventional And System Of Rice Intensification (Sri) Irrigation Regimes Of Terrace Rice Fields In Indonesia”. Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences and Engineering) 75(15): 97-102.
- Setiawan, B.I., C.Arif., Rudiyanto., M. Askari. 2015. “Optimizing Irrigation and Drainage Rates in SRI Paddy Field. Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences and Engineering) 75(15): 139-145
- Hasanah, N.A.I., Setiawan B.I., Arif, C. Widodo, S. 2015. Evaluasi Koefisien Tanaman Padi pada Berbagai Perlakuan Muka Air. Jurnal Irigasi Vol 10 (2): 57-68)
- Arif, C., Setiawan, B.I., Widodo, S., Rudiyanto, Hasanah, N.A.I., Mizoguchi, M. 2015. Pengembangan Model Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan untuk Menduga Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca dari Lahan Sawah dengan Berbagai Rejim Air. Jurnal Irigasi Vol.10(1): 1-10
- Nurfaijah, Setiawan, B.I., Arif, C., Widodo., S. 2015. Sistem Kontrol Tinggi Muka Air untuk Budidaya Padi. Jurnal Irigasi Vol. 10(2): 97-110
- Setiawan, B. I, A. Imansyah, Arif, T. Watanabe, M. Mizoguchi, H. Kato. SRI Paddy Growth and Greenhouse Gas Emissions At Various Groundwater Levels. Irrigation and Drainage, Vol. 63(5): 612-620. December 2014
- Arif, C, B.I Setiawan, M. Mizoguchi. 2014. Penentuan Kelembaban Tanah Optimum Untuk Budidaya Padi Sawah Sri (System Of Rice Intensification) Menggunakan Algoritma Genetika (Determining Optimal Soil Moisture for System of Rice Intensification Paddy Field using Genetic Algorithms). Jurnal Irigasi. Vol.9, No.1, Mei 2014.
- Arif, C, I. Setiawan, M. Mizoguchi, S.K. Saptomo, Sutoyo, Liyantono, I W. Budiasa, H. Kato, J. Kubota. 2014. Performance of Quasi Real-Time Paddy Field Monitoring Systems in Indonesia. Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Advanced Network. Vol.37. p.10-19/2014
- Arif, C., Setiawan, B. I., Widodo, S., Rudiyanto, R., Hasanah, N. A. I., Nurfaijah, N., … & Mizoguchi, M. (2014). Pengembangan model jaringan syaraf tiruan untuk menduga Emisi gas metana dari padi sawah. Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Agri-Informatika, 3(2), 65-73.
- Saptomo, S. K., B. I. Setiawan, Arif, Sutoyo, Liyantono, I W. Budiasa, H. Kato, T. Nakagiri, and J. Kubota. 2014. Field monitoring stations network for supporting the development of integrated water resources management. Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Advanced Network. Vol.37. p.30-41/2014
- Doi R, Arif, B.I. Setiawan, M. Mizoguchi. 2014. Pixel Color Clustering of Multi-Temporally Acquired Digital Photographs of a Rice Canopy by Luminosity-Normalization and Pseudo-Red-Green-Blue Color Imaging. Scientific World Journal Volume 2014, Article ID 450374
- Setiawan, B. I., A. Imansyah, Arif, T. Watanabe, M. Mizoguchi, H. Kato. 2013. Effects of Groundwater level on CH4 and N2O Emissions under SRI Paddy Management in Indonesia. Journal of Taiwan Water Conservancy. Vol.61, No. 4. P.135-146. 2013
- Arif, C., I. Setiawan, H.A. Sofiyuddin, L.M. Martief. 2013. Enhanced Water Use Efficiency by Intermittent Irrigation for Irrigated Rice in Indonesia. Journal of Islamic Perspective on Science Technology and Society, Vol.1, No.1. p.12-17. 2013
- Doi, C. Arif, B.I.Setiawan., M. Mizoguchi. 2013. Quantitative Use of Luminosity-normalized Grayscale Image of Greenness, Redness and Yellowness of Rice Canopy Derived from Multi-temporally Acquired Digital Photographs. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, Vol.15, No.4. p.707-712. 2013
- Arif, C., I. Setiawan, H.A. Sofiyuddin, L.M. Martief, M. Mizoguchi, R.Doi. 2012. Estimating Crop Coefficient in an Intermittent Irrigation Paddy Field using Excel Solver. Rice Science, Vol. 19, No.2.p. 143-152.2012
- Arif, C.,I.Setiawan, M.Mizoguchi, R.Doi. 2012. Estimation of water balance components in paddy fields under non-flooded irrigation regimes. Journal of Agronomy. Vol.11, No.2.p. 53-59. 2012
- Arif, C.,I.Setiawan, M.Mizoguchi, R.Doi. 2012. Estimation of soil moisture in paddy field using Artificial Neural Networks. International Journal of Advanced Research in Artificial Intelligence (IJARAI), Vol. 1, No.1.p.17-21. 2012
- Ahmad, U, D.M. Subrata, Arif. 2011. Speaking Plant Approach for Automatic Fertigation System in Greenhouse. International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Vol. 4, No.3. 2011
- Arif, C. Y.A. Purwanto, H. Suhardiyanto, Y.Chadirin. 2010. Aplikasi Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan (JST) untuk Pendugaan Suhu Larutan Nutrisi yang Disirkulasikan dan Didinginkan Siang-Malam pada Tanaman Tomat Hidroponik. Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian, Vol.24, No.2.p.115-120. 2010
- Arif, C., S.K.Saptomo, B.I.Setiawan, M.A.Iskandar. 2009. Simulasi Komputer Penerapan Teknik Kendali Fuzzy Sederhana untuk Pengaturan Muka Air Tanah di Lahan Padi SRI. Jurnal Irigasi, Vol.4, No.2.p.131-144. 2009
- Suhardiyanto, H., Arif., B.I.Setiawan. 2009. Optimization of EC Values of Nutrient Solution for Tomato Fruits Quality in Hydroponics System Using Artificial Neural Network and Genetic Algorithms. ITB Journal Science, Vol.41A, No.1.p.38-49. 2009
- Arif, C. 2008. Penentuan Jadwal Irigasi Tetes untuk Budidaya Tanaman di dalam Greenhouse dengan Pendekatan Kecerdasan Buatan (Determination of Drip Irrigation Schedule for Plant Growth in Greenhouse Using Artificial Intelligence Approach). Jurnal Irigasi, Vol.3 No.2.p.138-145. 2008
- Suhardiyanto, H., Arif, Suroso. 2008. Fertigation Scheduling in Hydroponics System for Cucumber Using Artificial Neural Network and Genetic Algorithms. Buletin Agronomi, Vol. XXXVI No.1.p. 92-99. 2008
- Suhardiyanto, H., A. Sapei., Arif, A.M. Patappa, B.D. Astuti. 2006. PLC-based Control System for Nutrient Solution Supply Control in Drip Irrigation. Jurnal Departemen Ilmu Komputer, Vol. 4-No.2-Desember 2006
- Arif C, B.I. Setiawan, R.P.A Setiawan, 2005. Error analysis in the Measurement of Evapotranspiration. Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian, Vol 19. No 3, December, 2005