Arief Budiman-SIL 54 menerima “2021 Achievement Award for Undergraduate Final Project – fib”

Arief Budiman mahasiswa SIL 54 menerima award pada Kompetisi 2021 Achievement Award for Undergraduate Final Project – fib Indonesia berdasarkan laporan penelitiannya dibawah bimbingan Dr. Ir. Erizal, MAgr. IPM. dengan judul: “Pengaruh Pola Anyaman Terhadap Perilaku Lentur Textile Reinforced Concrete…

The 2021 Summer Course Program “the development of sustainable green infrastructure for building structures, environmental sanitation, and agriculture, especially for developing countries”

About :With the 2021 Summer Course Program, student exchange activities are expected to generate inputs and solutions for the development of sustainable green infrastructure for building structures, environmental sanitation, and agriculture, especially for developing countries. This activity can provide information…

The 2nd International Seminar on Civil and Environmental Engineering (ISCEE) 2021: “Sustainable Infrastructure and Environmental Development”

Department Civil and Environmental Engineering, IPB University will be establishing an International Seminar called the 2nd International Seminar on Civil and Environmental Engineering (ISCEE) 2021: “Sustainable Infrastructure and Environmental Development”. This seminar aims to provide a communication and collaboration forum…